2024 Season is Underway!

HETHERSETT HAWKS sponsored by YELLOWBRICK MORTGAGES opened their season with the first round of the South East Grand Prix being held at Eaton Park on Saturday 6th April. Whilst the spectators wondered where the promised sunshine and 21 degrees was, the riders had to contend with windy racing conditions and only two training sessions under their belts.
Under 8
1st Jax Lockhart
Under 10
B – 1st Isaac Emms, 2nd Nyla El-Labany
A – 4th Jake Harvey-Riches
Under 12
B – 3rd Arlo Davies, 4th Michal
A – 2nd Luca El-Labany, 4th Austin Brailey
B – 1st Amelia Dodson
A – 4th Lola Martin
Referees – Paddy Wren & Shaun Dyball
Sunday 7th April saw the first races of the season in the South East Division 2 and the South East Youth League at Kesgrave. The wind had not lessened much but there were some glimpses of sunshine for the travelling spectators. The Seniors kicked things off their match against the Panthers but even with Lola Martin and Amelia Dodson riding the Hawks did not have a full team. Along with some mix-ups around teams and timings the Hawks found they also had a second Division 2 match with the Pumas, therefore early arrival for the Youth Team, Austin Brailey, stepped in to score some points for the team supported by Luca El-Labany and Frank Spauls on their arrival at the track. This meant that points were not as plentiful as Hethersett would have liked and are still to be finalised. Points from the day were:
The Youth League match was a close affair with Luca El-Labany, Frank Spauls and Austin Brailey all taking heat wins. Lola Martin showed some great team riding, not only riding in both Division 2 matches but also supporting Nyla El-Labany who had stepped in to ensure the young Hawks went with a full team. Amelia Dodson also rode all three matches and rode consistently despite a fall which saw a race re-start.
Referees – Mason Martin & Matthew Parr
Next Sunday 14th April sees Hethersett Youth and Division 2 matches against Great Blakenham at Hethersett.