AGM News!

HETHERSETT HAWKS / YELLOW BRICK MORTGAGES have been thwarted in their preparation plans for the new season by the very wet weather in February – even the playing field was flooded at times. Some good maintenance sessions were held in January but with more to do an early start to training in March cannot happen. Also a planned match against a touring East Newport side on March 9th cannot take place at the track.
The new season’s official fixtures kick off over the weekend of 6th / 7th April so riders are keen to get some practice in before then. It is a question of all hands to the pump (maybe literally!) when the weather relents.
In preparation for the season the Club held its Annual General Meeting at Hethersett Social Club on 27th April and, after reports from the Treasurer, Track Development “The Nest” and the Wonky Wheels Community Bicycle Workshop, a new set of officers and committee members were elected as follows – Chair – Mel Perkins Vice-Chair – Nick Davies Secretary – Charlene Johnson Treasurer – Mel Perkins Minutes Secretary – Janet Perkins Membership Secretary – Jo Silver Fund-Raising Officer – Anna Clarke Safeguarding Officer – Charlotte El-Labany Coaching & Development Officer – Michael Gunn Track & Equipment Officer – Nick Davies “The Nest” Project Officer – Sacha El-Labany Womky Wheels Liaison Officer – Richard Neil The position of Publicity Officer has yet to be filled but press, website, Facebook and Teamer responsibilities are already individually covered.
With secretary Jenny Melvin standing down at the end of 2023 it was made clear that, to replace the wide amount of work that she did, all the officers and committee will need wider support in their roles from members and parents.
In January the Club held three first-aid training evenings in the Hub on the playing field and, as a result, have 12 new qualified first-aiders, including three of the Club’s younger members. |